Monday, July 31, 2006

israel and the world

everyone is chocked at qana's second masacre. 50 civilians hiding in a building were killed. the un is shocked. france condemed. germany condemned. the arab world is in turmoil over it.

israel says it's hezbolla's fault, and that they had warned the civilians to flee. america supports. wtf. it's like a spoiled 10-year-old who beats other 5-year-olds, accompanied by his bitch mom: "mom, it wasn't my fault, it was that boy, he teased me until i beat the shit out of his whole class. i warned i warned the other boys to move away or i'll bust their teeth in but they didn't" and the mom is "of course dear, you had every right to cripple them, and no one will stop this beating until we can work a way to stop the kid from teasing you".

how come every other nation in the world is calling this a massacre while israel simply started another enquiry (which will lead, beyond a doubt, to the statement that this was an accident)?

how come not a single israeli sees the horror of what they're doing? how can they be so scathed? how can they be so heartless?

this is beyond me

beyond hatred

think of little girls playing with rockets.

now think of little girls being happy playing with rockets.

little girls who will gladly sign rockets that will be used to bomb other little girls.

the pictures that express this point i've already posted in a previous entry. i was baffled about what shocked me most in these pictures until a moment ago after having a discussion with a friend regarding this issue.

i understand the hatred. not seeing hatred is simply unnatural. i understand the israeli desire to eradicate what they see as a "terror" movement. what i don't understand, what i hope to never understand, is feeling joy at the death of others. good God, has it come to this? has the death of others become something to be happy about: not victory, not justice, just the pure act of killing has become something to smile about. how can hearts become so cold, how can malice be that strong? i don't understand that, will never understand it.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

emotional drainage

i never thought that something happening in another country can affect me.

the events in lebanon, the daily death and displacement of innocent civilians are taking their toll on me. i'm down most of the time and i've lost joy in many things i used to take for granted before. i can't understand anything of what's happening, can't imagine how the us is taking its extreme right wing stance towards the whole thing. there is nothing but hatred and anger towards america and israel in the arab world now, and years of sedation since oslow have gone to dust as israel is hurrying back to its traditional placement as an alien entity in the heart of the arab world, a cancer which should be removed.

i consider myself a moderate person. in life generally and in politics specifically. i'm not sure if it's who i am or if it's the experiences i've been through in life, but i usually find myself in the middle, with arguments with or against any specific subject usually weighing each other out, with one side slightly winning over the other. but even then, my belief is not blind nor is it immutable. the situation in lebanon (and my view of israel generally), however, is proving to be the opposite of that.

the discussions that are taking place with israelis, the points of view i'm seeing from them, are making one impression on me: israel is a bully that cares about nothing but its selfish alien existence. in the past few years there has been progress in the arab region towards israel: we're viewing it less and less as an enemy and more in terms of something that is there, whether we like it or not, and something we need to deal with. yes they were killing the palestinians in the hundreds, yes they kidnapped thousands of palestinians from their home with no charges or trials, yes they flaunt their indifference with all securty council resolutions regarding their existence, yes they're setting up a "security fence" that practically kills off palestinian villages and annexes illegal lands to israel, yes they're continuing with the construction of illegal settlements in the west bank and gaza (only good arab is a dead arab) BUT other than that they seemed to have been quite peaceful. hell, they even withdrew from southern lebanon and gaza (even though they occupied them again)! yes, they ended an occupation that was originally ILLEGAL! the years of listening to murders in the west bank grew our skins thicker and our hearts harder when it came to palestinians and their suffering. there was even debate on whether the best way to resist the israeli occupation was suicide bombings since the israeli reaction to them was to raze homes and murder hundreds of people. and events around the world, like the occupation of iraq (or is liberation?), tsunami's, oil prices and all that other stuff really took from our attention to palestine and the suffering of its people. so yeah, israel was a criminal country, but we didn't care that much.

but this. this irresponsible indiscriminate destruction of a country's infrastructure for the abduction of two soldiers is absolutely unacceptable, under any law, standard or point of view. i don't care what americans think. i don't care what fucked up image the media is portraying to those ignorant enough to believe that all the arab states hate israel just because. occam's razor ladies and gentlemen: when s single state has wars with all its neighbors and everyone around it hates it, it's not because all these states are evil, it's because that single state is. why is israel destroying lebanon? no one really knows. i would say it's because hezbolla captured two israeli soldiers. two soldiers. hundreds dead, infrastructure ruined, half a million displaced, all for two soldiers who were captured. of course hezbolla is now bombing israeli cities, but the scale of destruction and reasons behind it differ drastically.

now what are we doing to stop that? hezbolla are refusing to give up the soldiers. israel is on a steady course to wipe most of lebanon off the face of the earth. the lebanese (ironic, no?) are asking for a cease-fire (most of the world is asking for a cease-fire). the us want a "sustainable" cease-fire (only God and the voices inside bush's head know what that is). so where we are is this: israel will continue doing what it wants, the us will support it, its media will distort the facts to support it, and the arabs will sit and do nothing. sounds familiar? well, it is. in the past 60 years or so, we (the arabs, the region) have not had a decade without a war, AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM INVOLVED ISRAEL OR THE US. yes, you zionist jews who play the victim and act ignorant about it, or have lied long enough to actually believe it, you ARE an alien entity, you ARE a cancer that is infesting in the region. how so very weird that a jewish, hebrew-speaking country is surrounded by muslim, arabic-speaking countries on four sides. and anthropologists around? please explain to them how countries, cultures and languages evolve. and how it's not possible that a country that is so alien, so hostile to everyone around it is NOT supposed to be there. i'm not arguing the existence of israel, nor am i working towards its destruction, but damn it i'm saying that it's a cancer that should be treated. stop attacking everyone around you then playing the victim. you have internationally recognized borders, STICK TO THEM. you are the cause of every single instability in the region. fucking stop it, we're fucking sick of it.

be a state and step up and take responsibility for your actions. say this "we, the zionist jews, have decided to shanghai this land and call it israel. this land is very fertile and there are some references to it in our bible (which was written by jews before us, so only God knows what's correct in it) so we claim it as ours. furthermore, we don't care about anyone who is/was living here, since a few thousand years ago this was our land (or so we claim), and as such, we will kick them out (or occupy them, or name them israelis but with limited rights), and then live in their stead. in addition, we will occupy the lands around us to make us feel safe and because, well, it really was ours in the first place so we're only taking it back. we will also occasionally be hostile with the states around whenever they show the slightest disrespect or lack of fear towards us, and we don't care about what anyone says or thinks, since we have the american lobby by the balls through our economical control there. finally, we will use whatever means we have with disregard to anyone around us to become the supreme state in the region. in summary, we say that the jewish well-being is above all other nations' well being and we will do whatever we want, no matter at what consequences, to ensure that well being." at least that way you'll get some respect, if not love.

i must admit, this did not make me feel any better, but i hope some israeli or zionist jew reads it out there so that they'd know that they have one extra person hating them.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

israeli gifts to lebanon

are kids signing bombs a sign of a civilized country? or a controlled response?

will someone from around the world please notice that what is happening in lebanon is a massacre? all i see is death of civilians and the destruction of a peaceful city.

click here for the inspiring pics. note that some of the pictures are graphic. and the comparing of the bombing of london and beirut is, well, naive, but the first pictures are the most shocking for me.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

yo blaire

sorry that it's in arabic, but I couldn't find the english version. my God, how these two became the leaders of the free world is beyond me.

click here to know what i'm talking about.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

interesting article in haaretz

someone sent me this article via email. i tried to find the original on the website but couldn't (so don't scream if it's not really there). i'm pasting the whole thing here (even if it's not there it's interesting nonetheless).

w w w . h a a r e t z . c o m

Last update - 11:30 16/07/2006
Operation Peace for the IDF

By Gideon Levy

Every neighborhood has one, a loudmouth bully who shouldn't be provoked into anger. He's insulted? He'll pull out a knife. Spat in the face? He'll draw a gun. Hit? He'll pull out a machine gun. Not that the bully's not right - someone did harm him. But the reaction, what a reaction! It's not that he's not feared, but nobody really appreciates him. The real appreciation is for the strong who don't immediately use their strength. Regrettably, the Israel Defense Forces once again looks like the neighborhood bully. A soldier was abducted in Gaza? All of Gaza will pay. Eight soldiers are killed and two abducted to Lebanon? All of Lebanon will pay. One and only one language is spoken by Israel, the language of force.

The war that the IDF has now declared on Lebanon and before it on Gaza, will never be considered another "war of no choice." Let's save that debate from the historians. This is unequivocally a war of choice. The IDF absorbed two painful blows, which were particularly humiliating, and in their wake went into a war that is all about restoring its lost dignity, which on our side is called "restoring deterrent capabilities." Neither in Lebanon nor certainly in Gaza, can anyone formulate the real goals of the war, so nobody knows for sure what will be considered victory or an achievement. Are we at war in Lebanon? With Hezbollah? Nobody knows for sure. If the goal is to remove Hezbollah from the border, did we try hard enough over the last two years through diplomatic channels? And what's the connection between destroying half of Lebanon and that goal? Everyone agrees that
"something must be done." Everyone agrees that a sovereign state cannot remain silent when it is attacked within its own borders, though in Israel's eyes Lebanese sovereignty was always subject to trampling, but why should that non-silence be expressed solely by an immediate and all-out blow?

In Gaza, a soldier is abducted from the army of a state that frequently abducts civilians from their homes and locks them up for years with or without a trial - but only we're allowed to do that. And only we're allowed to bomb civilian population centers.

The painful steps taken in Gaza, which included dropping a one-ton bomb on a residential building, or killing an entire family of seven children under cover of darkness in Lebanon, killing dozens of residents, bombing an airport, cutting off electricity and water to hundreds of thousands of people for months were a response lacking any justification, legitimacy or proportion. What goal did it serve? Was the soldier released? Did the Qassams stop? Was deterrence restored? None of that happened. Only lost honor was supposedly restored, and immediately the next evil wind showed up, this time from the north.

Two more soldiers were abducted and it was clearly proven that the deterrent power was not restored, while IDF failures repeated themselves. How does one erase those searing failures? On the backs of innocent populations. In Lebanon, the situation is more complicated. There is no Israeli occupation and no justification for provoking Israel. If Hezbollah is so worried about its Palestinian brethren, it should have first of all done something for the hundreds of thousands of refugees living in camps in Lebanon in conditions that are just as bad as those under the Israeli occupation, before it grabbed soldiers in their name.

But does the fact that Hezbollah is a cynical organization that exploits the misery of Palestinians for its own purposes justify the disproportionate reaction? The concept that we have totally forgotten is proportionality. While we're in no hurry to get to the negotiating table, we're eager to get to the battlefield and the killing without delay, without taking any time to think. That deepens suspicions that we need a war every few years, with terrifying repetition, even if afterward we end up back in exactly the same position.

The war we declared on Lebanon has already exacted from us, and of course from Lebanon, too, a heavy price. Did anyone give any thought to the question whether it should be paid?

Everyone knows how this war begins, but does anyone know how it ends? Heavy casualties in the Israeli rear? A war with Syria? A general war? Is it all worth it? Look what a new rookie government can do in such a short time.

Behind the operations in Lebanon and Gaza is the same foolish idea about pressure on the population leading to political changes that Israel wants. In the history of the Israeli-Arab conflict, that concept has only led us from one disaster to the next. We "cleansed" southern Lebanon of Palestinians in 1982, and what did we get? Hezbollahstan instead of Fatahland. Hamas won't fall because Gaza is in the dark, and not even because we bombed the Palestinian Foreign Ministry building at the weekend - another nonsensical move; Hezbollah won't be smashed because the international airport in Beirut has been put out of commission.

Israel once again is not distinguishing between a justified war against Hezbollah and an unjust and unwise war against the Lebanese nation. The camouflage concealing the war's real goals was ripped off by this defense minister, who says what he means: "Nasrallah is going to get it so bad that he will never forget the name Amir Peretz," he bragged, like a typical bully. Now at least we know that Israel went to war so that the name Amir Peretz is never forgotten. It's the war for the perpetuation of the name Peretz and the blurring of Dan Halutz's failures. And to hell with the cost.

kidnaps on both sides

kidnaps, arrests, POW, all the same bullshit..

an interesting article written by an israeli ex-soldier. click here to read it.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

israel and unilateral decisions

i'm a seed of peace (

i have a large number of israeli friends and acquaintances. these friendships were forged in times of conflict, intense discussions, shared feelings and great events that will forge friendships even amongst the most bitter of enemies. with friendship comes respect. with friendship comes trust. and sometimes with friendship comes love. some israelis i respect and trust. but these most recent events in beirut are simply wiping away any kind of non-negative emotions I had towards israel.

right now i have this deep, cold loathing of the acts of their government and those who support them. no matter how many silly explanations i get from israelis i will not accept the fact that israel decided to attach beirut's international airport, cut off land transportation and create a blockade about their sea-ports. i will look at it as an irresponsible, unilateral act of war, done with no consideration whatsoever to international law or treaties, done with no consideration of the ramifications or results on the lebanese people, done with absolute disregard of anything but its selfish desire to delusionally protect its forced existence. i have never been so frustrated with the inability to react to injustice that way. and what adds indult to injury is the way the rest of the world is reacting regarding this: the american idiotic president wants the world to blame hezbollah, syria and iran for this (axis of evil, anyone?) in my opinion, the american president should be voted into office not only by the american people but also the rest of the free nations: the presidency of the world's super-power is too big to be put into the hands of someone as unintelligent as bush. the media will take care of that though: the world is full or terrorist and the solution to that is war.

i understand arabs are the weaker side, as i understand that the us and israel will do as they please. it's a fact; we just have to deal with it. what i don't understand and what infuriates me is how israel still insists to play the victim, whining like a 5 year-old who had his candy taken away from him, but who then pulls a gun and kills the 3 year-old who took it from him. i mean for God's sake, you don't need to justify your acts, you're going to do them anyway. own your actions, you hypocrites! stand, be men (and women) and be true: we, israel, are more powerful and we will wipe lebanon off the face of the earth if they don't stop their attacks on lands that may be theirs. in addition, we won't bother with giving an explanation: we will do as we please and the lebanese, the arabs and the rest of the world can go kiss their own asses for all we care. stop your whining, dammit! you're not 5 any more!

after that, i might have some respect for israelis. israel will become an honest bully, someone who is feared but respected (a little like the soviet union when it was: their representative to the united nations used to use his shoe to bang the session into order). now israel is just as it always has been: a conniving, double-standard weaseling country who has no more respect for its neighbors than it has for itself. and the us is its bitch.